WOD: Mittwoch: 28.08.2013

A. Single arm kettlebell push press (weak arm) 3 RM

B1. AMRAP 7 min:

- 5 Pistols (each leg)
-10 Ground to overhead (15/10kg)

1 min rest

B2. AMRAP 7 min:

- 10 Toes to bar
- 15 Box jumps (61/51cm)

WOD: Dienstag, 27.08.2013

A. Single leg deadlift: 5x8 (each leg)

B. Team WOD, in teams of 2 for time:

Partner A runs 400m
Partner B is working on an AMRAP of:
- 10 Thrusters (50/35kg)
- 10 Bicycle Situps (10 each leg)
- 10 Mountain Climbers (10 each leg)

Switch every 400m, until every partner has completed 1.600m run.

WOD: Montag, 26.08.2013

A. Front Squat 8-8-5-5-5

B. for time:
KB Swings (32/24kg) - go heavy!
Goblet Squats (24/16kg)

WOD: Freitag, 23.08.2013:

A. The Muscle Up - Foundation of this elegant movement

B. Tabata: (40/20sec) - 4 Intervalls of:

Push Press (35/25kg)
Jumping Pull Ups
KB Swings (24/16kg)

WOD: Donnerstag, 22.08.2013:

A. Weighted Pull Ups 5x3

B. for time:

1 - 2 - 3 - .... - 9 - 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 - 9 - 8 - .... - 2 - 1 Hand Release Push ups

WOD: Mittwoch: 21.08.2013

A. Strict Shoulder Press: find your (new) 3 RM 

B. “Lungin´ Annie” 

for time: 50-40-30-20-10:
- Double Unders 
- Situps 
- Static Lunges (25/20/15/10/5 each leg)


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WOD: Dienstag, 20.08.2013

A. Squat Clean 5 RM (10-8-5-5-5)

B. for time

4 Man Maker & 1 Turkish Get up (R+L)
100m run backwards

3 Man Maker & 1 Turkish Get up (R+L)
200m run with medball/kb/db

2 Man Maker & 1 Turkish Get up (R+L)
400m run incl. "Rocky Stairs"

1 Man Maker & 1 Turkish Get up (R+L)
800m run

1 Man Maker & 1 Turkish Get up (R+L)
400m run incl. "Rocky Stairs"

2 Man Maker & 1 Turkish Get up (R+L)
200m run with medball/kb/db

3 Man Maker & 1 Turkish Get up (R+L)
100m run backwards

4 Man Maker & 1 Turkish Get up (R+L)

Time cut: 30 min.

WOD: Montag, 19.08.2013

A. Sumo Deadlift High Pull 10-10-8-8-8

B. 20 min AMRAP:

9 Ring Dips
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35/20kg)
9 Toes to Bar

WOD: Samstag, 17.08.2013

A. Turkish Get up: find your (weak arm) 3 RM

B. AMRAP 4 min:

5 Handstand Push Ups
5 Pistol squats (each leg)

1 min rest

C. AMRAP 4 min:
10 Push ups
10 Goblet Squats (20/12kg)

1 min rest

D. AMRAP 4 min:

15 Push Press (35/20kg)
15 Air Squats

WOD: Freitag, 16.08.2013

A. Split Jerk 8-5-5-3-3

B. 3 rounds for time:

400m run
21 KB Swings (24/16kg)
15 Box Jumps (61/51cm)
9 Pullups

WOD: Donnerstag, 15.08.2013

A. Overhead squat 5x5

B. In teams of 2 complete the following for time:

20 Overhead squats (60/40kg)
40 Hang Power Cleans (60/40kg)
60 Pull ups
80 Wallball Shots (9/6kg)
100 Medball Situps (9/6kg)

Partner 'rests' in KB Front Rack Position. (16/12kg)

WOD: Mittwoch, 14.08.2013

A. Backsquat 5x5 @ 1301
5 x max tuck hold in between sets

B. 7 rounds for time
10 Deadlift (80/60kg)
10 Hand release push ups

WOD: Dienstag, 13.08.2013

A. Close Grip Benchpress: 8-5-3-8-5-3 "wave loading", rest 90sec between sets

B. for time:

25 m Bear Crawl
25 Lunges (each leg)
25 T2B
25 Floor Press
25 Superman Raises
25 Hollow Rocks
25 Mountain Climbers (each leg)
25 Medball Cleans

C. Immediately after WOD B. perform an AMRAP of 2 min. max reps Double Unders.

Post your time for B. and max. reps of C.

WOD: Montag, 12.08.2013

A. Thruster: 12-10-8-8-8 (RM)

B.  10 rounds for time:
3 inverted burpees
10 hang squat clean thrusters (35/25kg)

WOD: Samstag: 10.08.2013

A. EMOM: 10 min
3 x Ring dips (weighted rings dips/ring dips/band assisted ring dips/weighted box dips/box dips)

B. 4 rounds for time

400m run
20 Wallball Shots (9/6kg)
20 KB Swings (24/16kg)
20 Plate Twists (10/5kg)

WOD: Freitag, 09.08.2013

A. Push Press 5x3

B. EMOM for 10 min
5 weighted Pullups/Strict Pullups/Neg. Pullups/Neg. Ring Rows

3 min rest

C. AMRAP 7 min:
7 Burpees
7 PushPress (DB/KB/BB)

WOD: Donnerstag, 08.08.2013

A. Squat Clean: find a 1RM and record in log book

B. 4 rounds for times:

6 ground to overhead (60/40kg)
12 broad jumps (try to jump a length of a gym mat)
18 kb swings (24/16kg)
24 double unders

rest 2 minutes - record each rounds times

WOD: Mittwoch, 07.08.2013

A. establish a 3 RM 3-Position Power Snatch (Floor, Hang, High Hang)

B. Climb as far as possible in 16min:

2 one arm dumbbell power snatches (17,5/12,5kg)
2 box jumps (61/51cm)
sprint 100m

each round add 2 reps (2/2/100m - 4/4/100m - 6/6/100m, etc.) 

setup position for the dumbbell is below the knee.

WOD: Dienstag, 06.08.2013

A. Deadlift: find a (new) 5 RM

B. "Death by":

Kettlebell Burpee-Deadlift / Swing

Montag, 05.08.2013

A. Weighted Pullups/neg. Pullups/kipping Pullups

B. '20 pieces of Angie'

20 rounds for time of:

5 Pullups
5 Pushups
5 Situps
5 Squats

WOD: Samstag, 03.08.2013

"The Bear Complex"

1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press (front rack)
1 Back Squat
1 Push Press (behind the neck)

Perform the sequence 7 times through without stopping. 5 rounds of the complex will be completed increasing weight each time. Rest as needed between rounds. (approx. 5 min - work on mobility at rest time)

WOD: Freitag, 02.08.2013

A. Skill: Headstand/Handstand/Frog Stand

B. 4 rounds for max. reps. of:

1 min airsquat
1 min situps
1 min step ups (61/51cm)
1 min lateral bar no push up burpees
1 min rest