Résumé der ersten Woche: Seit einer Woche
gibt es unsere Sportstätte erst, aber es ist faszinierend was sich in dieser
Woche schon alles getan hat.
Was uns besonders gefällt ist Eure Motivation
und der Wille Euch zu verbessern. Es ist eine Freude Euch beim Training zu
zusehen und zu beobachten wie ihr Euren Schweinehund überwindet uns alles gebt.
Hierzu habe ich einen ganz tollen Artikel im
Web gefunden, der Euch auf eurer CrossFit Reise im Starship stets begleiten
soll. Es geht um das Skalieren der WOD´s.
Wir haben in der vergangenen Woche unzählige
Varianten gelernt wie wir diverse Übungen skalieren können. Es ist absolut
keine Schande, ein Workout zu skalieren, im Gegenteil -> "Scaling is
how you stay safe and healthy."
Anbei der Artikel:
"Yeah, but I scaled."
I hate hearing this - its usually at the end of
a WOD, when someone just crumpled to the floor, dead last by minutes, breathing
hard while classmates go up to congratulate.
"Dude, that was awesome, way to fight
through", "You did SO good!", "That was amazing, great job
today", "Good job finishing, way to not give up!"
"Yeah, but I scaled"
As if scaling is something to be ashamed of, as
if scaling is for the weak and the untrained.
As if scaling means you didn't do the workout -
or your workout was less worthy because you scaled.
It isn't.
We are all in a constant state of scaling -
even the elite of the elite, even the few who make it to the finals at The
CrossFit Games
Double unders are scaled triple unders, MU are
scaled weighted MU, 15' rope climbs are scaled 20' climbs.
Sure, they aren't called for in the WODs today,
but what about tomorrow?
Scaling is how you get from where you are now
to your future kickass self.
Scaling is how you stay safe and healthy.
Scaling is how you finish the workouts and feel
obliterated after, using a band instead of just staring at the bar for 10 min
willing yourself to get a pullup.
Scaling is how you improve your technique and
learn to lift heavier.
Scaling, is not, however, something to be
ashamed of or something that you can use to write off your WOD as a poor
So next time you are crumpled on the floor
gasping for air, be proud that you choose the right scale for you.
Be proud that you killed the WOD, and that the
WOD killed you.
In diesem Sinne, wir freuen uns schon auf
WOD: Montag, 06.05.2013
3 rounds for time
200m run
10 knees-to-ellbows
5 HSPU (Handstand Push Ups)