WOD: Mittwoch, 10.07.2013

A. Bent over Row 3x8

B. Team WOD: in Teams of two, for time:
400m Run / Situps
400m Run / Wall Balls (9/6kg)
400m Run / Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
400m Run / Box Jumps (61/51cm)

*Athlete #1 completes the 400m Run while Athlete #2 completes as many Situps as possible. After each athlete has completed BOTH the 400m Run and the Situps, they will continue on to the 400m Run/Wallball, Run/ KB Swings, Run/Box Jumps, using the same format.

SCORE = 1.500-sec+total # of REPS completed. (Time cut 25min)

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